Our services


The first step of the project is taking all the necessary dimensions of the space, with all the architectural and design features. An accurate recording saves future errors, both in design and in its implementation.

We prepare drawings, in which we discuss further distribution and individual needs of each client. We analyze examples of different styles, color decisions and we discuss all the client’s requirements and preferences.


Based on the desires and requirements of the client, we prepare several options for layout and furniture.

A detailed examination of the layout options is needed to determine which of them is most suitable. In this way we achieve a balance between optimal use of space and customer requirements. Once we have an approved version, we launch the project faze.


To clarify the final vision of the project, we develop photo realistic three-dimensional visualization of the premises. Through these the customer obtains a complete picture of how the space will look in the finished project. We can make changes of the design and thus to reach the most appropriate vision for it. Once the client is fully satisfied with the design (conceptual design), we start developing the working project


In this section we prepare everything necessary for the realization of the approved design. The detailed design includes the necessary drawings for craftsmen, furniture makers, contractors and others. We work with screened companies that prepare price offers for everything necessary. If the customer prefers other suppliers and subcontractors, we are ready to work with them. Working project includes plans for lighting (for all positions lighting and switches to them), Electricity (all contacts and connections for them), plumbing, drywall details, plan pavement, plan soffit (ceiling), unfolds of more specific walls and details. The project includes all drawings for custom furniture. For everything ready to buy, we prepare specification. We prepare price offers for furniture, construction work, as well as prices on all other details and products.


Supervision provides the customer an assurance that the project will be developed as close to the design specifications as possible. We monitor performance and make decisions when changes are needed. We select the right colors and shades and explain everything necessary to craftsmen, we keep in touch with them and monitor the process. This ensures that the implementation of the project goes as specified.


Home staging is the preparation of a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money. Staging techniques focus on improving a property’s appeal by ensuring it is a welcoming, attractive product that any buyer can see himself/herself living in and, thus, desire to purchase.                                                                                                                                                                        People often use art, painting, accessories, lights, greenery, and carpet to stage the home, to give potential buyers a more attractive first impression of the property. They also rearrange or “temporarily replace” furniture. Properly executed staging leads the eye to attractive features, while down-playing flaws.


Interior decorating refers to the art and science of making an interior space more aesthetically pleasing and functionally useful for its inhabitants